ultrasonic type level measurements
sound waves with frequency greater than human hearing range. ie frequency greater than 20kHz is termed as ultrasonic waves (sonic means hearing range and ultrasonic means above…
sound waves with frequency greater than human hearing range. ie frequency greater than 20kHz is termed as ultrasonic waves (sonic means hearing range and ultrasonic means above…
What is Absolute pressure and gauge pressure.???They are very important terms in pressure measurement applications .Before understanding the concepts of absolute pressure and gauge pressure…
Instrumentation....Instrumentation systems.........process instrumentation...Instrumentation and control...automation and controlWhat are they?Suppose you are in a industry. Say in a refinery. What is happening in such industries .???Making…
Two push buttons are wired to the PLC, one for start a motor and another for stop .We are using failsafe design .ie in field…